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Poppy Titan: Beautiful winter crop

Writer's picture: Sven-Erik JacobsenSven-Erik Jacobsen

Poppy intro

Poppy is an annual species (Papaver somniferum), belonging to the Papaver family. The poppy plant has a tall, stiff stem with large leaves. The Poppy flowers with red, pink and white flowers. It grows 60-100 cm tall, and has bee pollination. Flowering is mid July, but it can extend for a long time due to new flowers developing. The flowers are only pollinated by bees early in the morning.

Seeds that come from other species of poppy plants are not suitable for human consumption, for instance the California poppy

What are Poppy Seeds?

The seeds are very small, blue, (0.5-1.0 mm), harvested from the poppy plant. Many countries around the world produce poppy for opium, both legally for medicine and illegally for drugs. The present cv. Titan has a very low content of opioids.

What can poppy seeds be used for, legally?

Poppy is an agricultural crop grown on a large scale, for two primary purposes: 1) For human consumption, that is either whole, grounded or as an oil, or for producing opium and other alkaloids for the pharmaceutical industry. 2) For feed for domestic and wild birds, preventing diarrhea and other gastrointestinal ailments.

Poppy seeds as food?

The seeds are used in both sweet and savory recipes, either whole or ground. The ground seeds are often mixed with butter or milk to create a paste used in baking. The seed is also used as a garnish, condiment and spice. A dish may also have poppy seed as its main ingredient.

Nutrition facts:

  • High in vitamin E

  • No narcotic properties

  • Seeds are composed of 28% carbohydrates, 21% protein, and 42% oil, mainly unsaturated fatty acid

  • 100 gram provides 525 calories

  • Rich source of several essential minerals inc. Calcium, iron, magnesium and zincThe poppy seed is has an excellent nutritional quality, providing protein and fiber.

What is poppy seed oil?

Poppy seed oil is highly palatable and nutritious, with a slightly nutty taste. It is very suitable as cooking oil as it has very little odour, and it is less likely to become rancid compared to other seed oils.

Poppy seeds contain 45-50% oil, which is a valuable commercial oil for culinary and technical purposes. A cold-pressing yields a high-quality oil best suited for food purposes, while a warm-pressing (at 60–70˚C) yields a somewhat inferior oil suited for technical purposes.

The primary use of poppy seed oil today is in the manufacture of paints, soaps and varnishes. It is also used as the basis of lipiodol, a radiocontrast agent used in medical radiology

Poppy seed oil is also used for moisturizing skin. It is high in vitamin E and phytonutrients that can help protect your skin.

Since poppy seed oil possesses qualities similar to those of linseed oil and is absorbed quickly, it is also used for wood and leather care in the furniture industry.

Arent poppy seeds used to make opium?

Yes, the opium poppy is also the source of morphine. Morphine is the main alkaloid of opium and found in the highest content. While the seed pods are still green, and the seeds are just starting to develop, they are harvested for opium. Many varieties have been bred that do not produce opium, but produce a tasty and nutritious edible seed.

Breeder Georg Dobos, Zeno Proyecte


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