After crops and winter crops
Product information
After crops are very important! Both in order to comply with national rules on green cover, and for improving soil fertility and soil nutrient level. Our after crops are either single crops, for a simple and cheap cover, or mixtures, which add agro-biodiversity and insect attraction to the topic.
QQ Ecomix Humus
Fast growing, competes well with weeds, high legume content for humus building, no winter survival.
Sowing time: Until late August.
QQ Ecomix Fall
Fast growing for a later sowing, no winter survival.
Sowing time: Until mid october
QQ Ecomix Wintergreen
Wintermix, secures plant cover and N fixation over the winter, for creation of humus.
Sowing time: Until mid October
QQ Ecomix Legumefree
Adapted to legume containing crop rotations. Good root building, no winter survival
Sowing time: Until late August
Oilseed radish, cv. Pina
Nematode resistant (beet cyst). Fast growing.
Sowing time: September
White mustard, cv. Venice
Nematode resistant (beet cyst). Fast growing.
Sowing time: September
Poppy, cv. Titan
Early maturing, good yield, low morphine, 0.3%.
Sowing time: September - beginning of october
Faba bean, cv. Diva
Good winter hardiness, good yield
Yellow pea, cv. Fresnel
Good winter hardiness, good yield
Emmer, cv. Späths albjuwel
High yield, Low diseases, good quality traits.
Sowing time: End september - mid october
Einkorn, cv. Monoverde
Good yield, excellent leaf health, good processing traits
Sowing time: End September - beginning of october