Useful Quinoa links
On this page you will find useful links about quinoa farming and development
The world's growing population is stretching the resources for protein

“Development of high-quality food protein through sustainable production and processing” (PROTEIN2FOOD).
EU Horizon2020 (2015-2020). The project has 19 partners. The overall aim of the project is to improve the quality of plant-protein from a nutritional, economic, environmental, and organoleptic point of view. The approach covers the whole food supply chain from ‘farm to fork’ of plant-protein from legumes (lupin, faba beans, pea, chickpea, lentil) and new high-quality crops (quinoa, amaranth, and buckwheat).
These crops have been selected due to their promising potential as important food crops in the EU context for their protein quality and amount.

"Danish scientists turn to ancient crops to save planet"
Quinoa and other crops may contribute to saving the planet, due to their high nutritional value and the tolerance to adverse, climatic conditions.