... and set a new direction for agriculture. We must produce more food for people – rather than feed for animals.
Neither we, nature, climate nor animal welfare can wait.
Billions of euro must be invested in the solutions of tomorrow – today!
Over 4 billion people will eat greener
This is the assessment of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. It is crucial for us to achieve the climate goal. The way to a sustainable food production is to invest in plant-based foods.
The world market for plant-based foods is increasing
Examples on plant-based foods are oat drink, plant-based steaks, quinoa, legumes, other plant proteins and the next generation of fermented products are expected to reach 240 billion euro already in 2035. Thus, there is a huge market for plant-based food for those countries that are investing in the future now.
A great thanks to Danish Vegetarian Association / Dansk Vegetarisk Forening which has brought up this important topic.

Estimado Svin Erik, saludos a nombre de la asociación Mushuk Yuyay del pueblo kañari kichwa de la región sur del Ecuador, considero una importante información y ejemplo cuando mencionas sobre los alimentos de origen vegetal; nuestros ancestros eran graneros y por ende nuestro territorio es considerado granero del Austro, es decir de la región sur del Ecuador, pero con las Políticas Publicas esta orientado mas a la ganadería de leche; frente a vuestra información desde ya invitamos una conferencia magistral de su empresa en el IX Congreso Mundial y Simposio de Granos Andinos-2025, comento que en marzo de 2023 participamos en VIII Congreso Mundial de la Quinua en Potosí Bolivia y ahí nos encargaron y responsabilizaron el IX Congreso en…